Saturday, April 24, 2010

Here we go again!

I am officially in the midst of my second cycle on Clomid. Things are going a little differently this cycle. Last time I had virtually no side-effects. I wanted water all the time, but I go through phases like that normally, so I didn't really think anything of that. I also had a night or two of night sweats, but with the temperature fluctuations lately I really didn't think anything of it. All in all aside from it being a dismal failure I didn't do too badly the first time.

I started taking the pills Wednesday night. Thursday went okay. I felt like I was in a little bit of a foul mood, but sometimes that happens when dealing with stupid people on the phone at work right? Well Friday, hmmm, well I could definitely tell that my moods were being affected. I didn't feel like myself. I almost full on did the "OMG, could you be any more of a pain" sigh on the phone when booking an appointment. Thankfully I didn't but I wanted to. Have I mentioned before that I work in a 99% female office? Yeah, this was not a good thing Friday. One of the girls was sick and bitchy and coughing everywhere, she was irritating me. Then another girl was wound so tightly I swear to God she squeaked when she walked. She had this manic energy about her that just made me want to scream. I was on the verge of screaming and telling everyone they should just shut the eff up because they were being stupid, but I didn't.

The icing on the perverbial cake was when I was leaving work to catch the bus to go home. I walked to the crosswalk, pressed the button, waited till the hand illuminated so I could walk, checked for cars turning left and looked their way and began to cross. Then this ASSHAT came barreling into the intersection not bothering to check that there was a pedestrian crossing LEGALLY and I swear, he was 3 feet from hitting me. If it wasn't for the very frail old couple waiting at the bus stop at the other side of the street I swear I would've gone postal beating this car with my purse and tote bag. It would have been quite a show for sure. Instead I muttered obsenities, glared at the jerk and continued to cross. It took all my self control, let me tell you!

I was so angry! Not just regular angry, but in-laws-requesting-more-guests-a-week-before-the-wedding-crazy! So what was a girl to do? Pull out the big guns that's what. I did what any self respecting 30-something would do. I went home and made myself a drink. Not just any drink, but a chocolate martini. It's like Valium in a glass. It's my signature drink. I once drank 5 at a night out and the waitress was so impressed that I could drink that much and still walk (somewhat assisted) that she gave me a set of martini glasses. I still have them. But I digress....

Yes, I went home, called my mother, dug out my martini glasses and cocktail shaker and made two very excellent Chocolate Martini's. We sat, bitched about our crap days and let the wonderful chocolate/vodka goodness take over. It was heaven in a glass. The best part I was nice and relaxed when Andre got home. I figured after all the moodiness I put him through the least I could do is be in a liquor induced calm when he got home from work.

I couldn't help but hope that maybe just maybe that could be my last chocolate martini for awhile if we're successful this cycle..... ::le sigh::

I will end this blog entry with a recipe for:

Jenna's Amazing Chocolate Martini's!!
(well they're not mine, I got the recipe from some book, but whatever!)

1 oz of vodka (your favourite kind)
1 oz of Creme de Cacao (the clear one)
(for those that find regular vodka too strong, you may substitute Vanilla Vodka)

Pour into a cocktail shake filled with ice, shake and pour into a martini glass. Enjoy!!

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