Thursday, September 3, 2009

A small step in the right direction

You may recall me mentioning here about being broken. Well I'm sad to say that things haven't really improved much since that blog entry. In fact things have kind of gotten worse.

(*note* some may find this to be a bit too much information, so some may chose to stop reading now*)

Since going off the pill I have ovulated and gotten my period once in 11 months. That's a pain, but not really the worst part. I started bleeding during and after sex about 2 months in. That's the biggest problem. I put off going to the doctor (thinking everything would just get better on it's own) until my best friend made me call my doctor. That appointment led to swabs, blood work, and two ultrasounds (what an experience that was!). Thankfully everything came back normal. All of that was about two months ago. My doctors office very nicely called me (after I called them first for the results) and told me "Oh, we didn't call you with the results because everything seems to have come back normal." End of conversation.

I was fuming that day. So upset that they just dropped everything. No asking if the problems still persisted, nothing. I called the doctors office about 2 1/2 weeks ago to ask them for a referral to a gynecologist. The conversation went something like this:

me: Hello, my name is Jenna M. I am calling for a referral to a gynecologist.

receptionist: Oh, well you need to come in for that.

me: I was in for an appointment two months ago for blah, blah, blah. I was sent for swabs, blood work and two ultrasounds. Everything came back normal, but the issues haven't improved.

receptionist: okay, well I'm going to have to leave a request for Dr. W and then a nurse will have to call you back.

Finally after more than two weeks of waiting I finally have an appointment with some mystery gyno at the end of October. At least now I'm on the road to figuring out what the hell is going on. I told Andre that he might have to trade me in for a younger model that actually works. The joke of that being that I'm 10 years younger than him already. Just goes to show, age means nothing!

1 comment:

Kelly O. said...

I'm so sorry.
I will pray for you.