Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Mission of Organization

I don't know why but I have been on a mission to organize this weekend. It all started with the pile of clothes on the chair in the bedroom. This is my pile during the week. The clothes that get taken off at the end of the day that aren't dirty usually get thrown on this chair until I get around to putting them away. This usually doesn't happen until the end of the week.

So on my break Thursday afternoon I decided they had to be put away. That inevitably lead to having to go through all the clothes in my drawers because I had not only most of my fall clothes out, but also all of my summer clothes. So after some ruthless purging all the summer stuff was in a pile to be put into storage for the winter and another pile was set aside to go to Goodwill.

I wasn't done there though. One of Andre's best qualities is that he is very organized (for the most part). This is also one of his biggest faults because he likes to keep all the packaging for everything that we buy! This drives me MENTAL! So while we were at Zellers picking up plastic storage bins I broke the news to him that we were going to go through all the boxes he had kept and the contents were being labelled and packed into a little storage bin and the boxes were going to be recycled.
(note: by saying "we" were going to do this, it really means me ;o)

So the end result was all of these boxes being sent into the recycling bin:
And the contents of all those boxes being packed up and put away for safe keeping in our handy dandy little tote:
Now whenever we have to look for a manual or need the software for something it is labelled and safely packed away.

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