Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mean to Green (er)

I was at my local Shoppers Drugmart picking up a few things and realized that I needed to pick up some all purpose cleaning wipes. I'm standing in the aisle, scanning the shelves, and cannot for the life of me find my plastic tub of Method biodegradable all purpose cleaning wipes and I discovered that they're in a plastic pouch. I was a little bummed out but picked them up and brought them home. I was bummed because I was thinking to myself that at least the plastic tub I could throw in the recycling bin, with this pouch I will have to throw it in the garbage.

Well those clever people at Method had done something absolutely fabulous, not only had they created fabulous wipes that I can use all over my house then throw in my compost bin (!!!) that smell like pink grapefruit (yummy), they had improved on the packaging and put them in recyclable pouches that use 60% less plastic than the regular recyclable tubs they usually come in. How great is that?!

Now onto the review!

For a long time I have been a fan of cleaning wipes. Really, who isn't? One thing that I didn't like about some of the others out there was that a)they contain nasty chlorine bleach and b) they were not biodegradable. I just felt horrible throwing something out in the garbage. So when "green" became popular I decided to try out some new products. I started out with Green Works wipes, but honestly, I try and steer away from these products if at all possible simply because they are made by Clorox.

Then one day while out shopping I found the Method wipes. They are fabulous! I have tried some of the their other products and liked them so I figured I couldn't go wrong. I have used these wipes in the kitchen, the bathroom, wherever. They are just as strong and effective as the other wipes out there, and they smell so yummy. The best part is that after you're done cleaning you can throw them in your compost bin!

I've always picked up my favourite Method products at Shoppers Drugmart, but they are also available at Canadian Tire and Sobeys.

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