Sunday, March 14, 2010

Long time no talk!

As usual there has been a lot and yet nothing going on around here since I last blogged. The usual work/life stuff has been going on. Work has been steady this week, so the earlier mornings and later evenings mean I'm usually too pooped to do much blogging in the evenings. I was also too psycho to really do any blogging anyway.

The psycho-ness was due to round 2 of Provera. Andre was joking I was being a little like Cybil last weekend. It was horrible, absolutely horrible. The mood swings were crazy. But Andre and I survived the 10 day round of hell with our marriage, and lives intact, so I think that we did okay! Andre is always surprising me with his understanding, and calmness through all of this. He is definitely my rock.

The Metformin was extremely rough for the first few days as well. Hormones and nausea along with other bowel related side effects equals a very cranky Jenna. I'm slowly learning what foods I can tolerate well and what ones I can't. I'm also discovering that forgetting to take my Metformin right after I finish my last bite of dinner is a bad thing as well. This was the case last night. I will try not to make that mistake again any time soon.

I am trying my best to follow the RE's orders and I started exercising. We've talked forever about getting a treadmill for the house for me to use, and now seemed like as good a time as any. So it's set up in the basement, and starting with 3 days a week I get up an hour early, turn on my MP3 player and walk for a half an hour. It's going really well, and I don't know whether it's the exercise, or the Metformin leveling out my insulin levels but I have been sleeping so well at night. For the longest time I would toss and turn, and the last 4 or 5 days I have slept like the dead at night. It is wonderful. Next on the list is curbing the evening snacking. This is my downfall. Cutting that out will be the hardest thing so far.

Next on the list is waiting for good old Aunt Flo to arrive. I took my last Provera late last week, so now the waiting game is on. I'm a little nervous and scared, because this will also be our first medicated cycle. I know Dr. C wasn't too optimistic about it working, but wouldn't it be awesome if it did? I try to be cautiously optimistic about it all, and not make myself any more crazy. Some days are easier than others.

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