Saturday, March 27, 2010

The absurdity of it all

I was upstairs today watching 16 and Pregnant on my computer (I know, I know...) waiting the 10 minutes to get the full negative result on my OPK today (Ovulation Predictor test) and I thought to myself, How strange is this? I'm a 31 year old woman sitting waiting on an ovulation test (knowing full well it's too early, but you never know) watching a 16 year old raise her baby. It's just too ridiculous for words really.

I had my first follicle check on Thursday following my first round of Clomid. It went well in that there were actually follicles!! For those of you that are blessed to not ever have to take a fertility medication, Clomid works by helping my body to produce follicles which are the little "incubators" that will release an egg. The hope is that by taking Clomid, my body will produce at least 1-2 mature follicles that will release an egg during ovulation that we can hopefully fertilize, to create a baby. The reason for frequent monitoring, both by ultrasound and blood tests is to make sure that the medication has created follicles of an appropriate size, and that there aren't too many of them. If there are too many, then the doctor will make us abstain from sex because the risk of High Order Multiples (HOM) is too high. Clomid can also cause a whole other list of side effects including a thinned uterine lining. You need a thicker uterine lining to support embryo implantation. Oh so much to know!

The u/s tech didn't tell me how many follies there were, or how big they were, just that they were small. So I had to wait on pins and needles all day until I finally talked to them again at 3:30. They told me that they want me back on Monday or another u/s and more b/w. So I took that news as there is hope that my little follies could actually mature in time. With a stimulated cycle (like with Clomid) the follicles usually grow 1-3mm/day according to what I've found online. So we're keeping our fingers crossed that we have a shot at least this cycle. I will definitely be asking for the details when I go for my tests on Monday. I need to know more details!

1 comment:

Kelly O. said...

Praise the Lord Jenna! this is good news!