Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mean to Green(er)

I am so excited to do this post! I am excited because this is a change that I've been wanting to make for a long time and finally did.

The change is.....Reusable Produce Bags!

Even Mikey had to take a look!

I'm excited and I know that some of you are excited to. Andre, not so much. Actually his exact words in Metro (where we bought the bags) were "Jenna, this is it! No more green stuff, we're not doing anymore!"

His issues were:
Andre: Produce bags are recyclable, why use bags that can be reused?
Me: Produce bags are plastic, even though it is recyclable, it is still waste, reusable means no waste!
Andre: They won't be able to see the stickers to scan the produce at the grocery store!
Me: ::showing him the bags:: Yes they will, stop whining!
Andre: People will think I'm weird that I'm bringing cloth bags to the grocery store!
Me: Tell them your wife made you do it.
Andre: Fine
Me: Can't you hear it? Mother Nature is saying Thank You!!
::Andre staring at me like I've lost my marbles::

So there you have it, if I can switch to reusable produce bags then so can you!

The ones we purchased were from Metro (A Canadian grocery chain). We purchased 4 large and 1 small bag for $4.99. I was going to check into the website that was on the cardboard packaging, but recycled it before I could check if it was a Canadian company or not. You can also find produce bags on websites like Etsy or you could make your own! Like with any reusable bag that you use for food I would urge you to wash them often to reduce contamination and bacteria!

Isn't it a beautiful sight?


Kelly O. said...

i've been wanting to make the change too...but now that you have to pay for your bags at most stores I have to use every free plastic bag I can get for dirty diapers!
Callum is almost potty trained and then I'll be free of them--that is until July when #3 arrives and I start back into diapers again!

Sarah said...

haha, hilarious, Andre cracks me up! You go (green) girl!
