Monday, May 24, 2010

The waiting game

I have decided that the one lesson I am to learn through this whole fertility treatment thing is the lesson of patience. There is so much waiting that goes on with a cycle.

It starts with waiting. You get AF, then wait for your baseline u/s and b/w on CD1. Then you wait for the nurse to call you with the results. Then you start your specific medication. Then you wait for your first follie check. If it's a good one then you're waiting to see when you'll actually ovulate (something that I've never gotten to). Then you wait through the dreaded 2ww seeing if maybe just maybe you timed everything just right, and you were lucky (again, I've never gotten this far). If you weren't lucky then you wait for AF to arrive.

This is the stage that I'm at right now. Waiting for AF to arrive. It's funny, when I was on the pill I dreaded the end of the pack. Dreaded AF's arrival and the days of just feeling BLAH while she was here. Now, it's a countdown. Waiting for it, because with it comes the beginning of a new cycle. After two unsuccessful medicated cycles a new cycle means potential and hope that maybe this will be the cycle we will have a shot. Hope that just weeks later I could be staring at two lines on a pregnancy test.

So now I wait.

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