Sunday, May 30, 2010

More randomness from Andre

Sometimes I beloved husband comes up with the most random things ever, so if I will remember I will share them with you all.

This conversation happened on Friday as Andre picked me up from work, and we were walking to the car.

Andre: Jenna! ::he was very enthusiastic:: Today I had the most amazing, mind reviving thing today! Guess what it was!

Me: ::blank stare, who asks questions like this after a long day at work??:: A blow job? Who did you find to give you a blow job?

Andre: ha ha, very funny.

(I couldn't resist)

Andre: Limeade! Did you know that there was Limeade in the freezer?! Jenna you need to have some!

At this point I laughed pretty much the whole way home. You see my husband is really one of those men who stops to smell the roses. He notices those little things like how wonderful Limeade tastes on a hot summer day.

(This story was brought to you by my friend Mary Ann who left a can of Limeade in the freezer that we didn't consume mixed with alcohol on the last girls night.)

1 comment:

Kelly O. said...

you two are too funny!