Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Things I love about Fall

I know many people out there aren't that thrilled about the change of seasons, but I'm not one of them. I big puffy heart the fall. I think the only negative part of this season I think would be the fact that in just a few short months it will all be over and it will be winter. Urgh. I don't big puffy heart the winter. But we'll save that for another time.

So some things I love about the fall:

~The crisp fall air. It's like Mother Nature just sucked up all the gross smog that hung over the city all summer and replaced it with mountain fresh air.

~Pulling my favourite sweater out of the rubber maid bin of fall/winter clothes.

~Coming home from work and walking into a house smelling of beef stew that has been simmering in a slow cooker all day.

~Cinnamon candles. Could there be anything that smells more yummy?

~The sound of fallen leaves crunchy under my feet as I walk down the sidewalk.

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