Sunday, November 2, 2008

How Rude

I had a baby shower to go to today. For a family friend that is expecting her first baby, a little boy. The mother is 16. It was interesting. There were two other teen aged mothers at the shower. They handed out little favours at the end of the shower. I opened the little envelope that came with the little chocolate and it was a note card with a pre-written thank you note in it.

Am I so strange to find this rude? Yes it was handwritten, and she did write it. But at the same time, these people, 99% of which were just friends of the family because her actual family is too disgusted with the entire thing to attend the shower, all attend and shower her with gifts, and all we get is a "Thank you for sharing my special day with me. Love _____"

Maybe I'm bend out of shape because I know countless couples who would give their right arm to have a child, and can't, and here were these children, holding little babies, opening gifts and not even knowing what a bottle brush is for heaven's sake! What kind of life is a 16 year old suppose to have while raising a child? Does she realize how hard everything is going to be for her?

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