Saturday, November 7, 2009


It's hard to believe that as I am writing this it is already a week after Halloween! Soon we will have been in the house for a year. This year has gone by so quickly, it's hard to believe I'm already thinking about Christmas decorations.

So, our first Halloween in the house. Andre booked the day off work. Silly to have to book the day off, on a day that you're suppose to have off anyways, but whatever. He took it off. We were going to give out candy to the little neighbourhood kiddos, and then head off later on that night for a Haunted walk at the Hermitage Ruins/Dundas Valley Conservation Area courtesy of Haunted Hamilton. We did another tour with them a couple years ago, and thought that a moonlit ghost walk on Halloween would be fun.

Andre loves the holidays. Any holiday really. That's the hardest part about his job, being that he's had to work every holiday for over the last two years. Halloween is no different. He always makes sure that we have a pumpkin to carve and candy to hand out to the kids. This year we decided to go with a spider design for the pumpkin.
I wish that this design showcased our artistic abilities, but we bought a pumpkin carving kit a few years back that had a book of templates. We photocopy the templates and then copy and carve. Very easy, and very cool looking if I do say so myself.

It was so great watching Andre give out the candy to the kids. I have talked to quite a few friends about their husbands and Halloween and they would talk about how their beloved would lock themselves down in their basement until all the little ones were gone. Not Andre. I would go up for one group of kids, and then if I was going to go up for the next group, he would grab the bowl out of my hands and tell me it was his turn. He would ask all the kids what they had dressed up as and hand them the correct Jenna approved ration of candy then wish them all a Happy Halloween. It was so adorable to watch. It was one of those moments that reminded me why I love him as much as I do.

Then after all the kiddos were home safely in their parents homes hyped up on sugar we left for our Halloween adventure. The evening was a little cool, so I made sure to bring my hat and mitts. Andre on the other hand didn't think he would get cold so only wore his fall jacket. He froze his ass off. Men, god forbid they listen to us when we tell them they are going to get cold!

Here are some pictures of us as we waited for the walk to start:

Oh Andre, trying to look menacing and sister couldn't stop laughing when she saw this picture.

The walk lasted about 90 minutes as we wound our way down hiking trails in the middle of the night. It was a beautiful night for a walk. As the guide was finishing the last story of the evening on our way back everyone stopped as the clouds parted so the full moon could guide us back. It was beautiful.

We didn't really experience anything spooky while we were on the walk. There was no howling in the forest or anything like that. I did notice that for the most part the evening was very still, but as the guide was telling the stories every stop there would be a big gust of wind that would stir all the leaves in the trees. I thought it was just coincidence, but it happened on every single stop, during every story. We also noticed a little something extra when we were checking out the pictures later on that night. In this picture you will see the lights on the right shining on ruins from our flashlights, but there on the left through the open window, we can't explain the lights. There was nothing in the back except for branches and beams holding the side walls up. Kind of spooky don't you think?
*I'm writing this on my netbook, so I copied the pictures from facebook, hopefully later I will replace at least this picture with a higher resolution original*
Then at the end of the night as we were hearing some more stories and touring the back of the building (or what is left anyway), a couple offered to take our picture. She was very nice.
See what I mean about nothing behind the building? Very spooky.

I hope everyone else out there had a great Halloween!

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