Sunday, July 27, 2008
And the verdict...
I couldn't believe it! After all that work, all that waiting, all that mess! So we went up and told them that the shower was leaking. Her answer after I showed her all the seams that were leaking? "Well it did take us two years to fix your fridge! Ha ha ha!" (I am seething in the bathroom sopping up water as I hear this exchange) Andre says "I hope that doesn't mean that it's going to take you that long to fix the shower."
Who the hell says something like that?! Are they on crack? Do they just not care? The moral of this whole scenerio is that you should never, ever rent an apartment from a someone from your church. They will still screw you over, but your Christian guilt will keep you from telling them they're fucking idiots.
So after getting all the water cleaned up from our shower we went out to dinner (yummy Lebonese food!) and I drowned my stress in 3 glasses of wine with dinner. We came home and they told us they had added some more caulking (the plumber had said you didn't need any?!WTF?). I checked the shower and it is the worst caulking job I have ever seen in my life. It's going to drive me crazy every time I shower and scrub it clean.
Bathroom Reno
So when we left there were a bunch of damp towels on the floor controlling the leak in the shower:
So we called my mother who was checking in on the cat to see what the progress was on the shower when she came in for the cat, so we had some sort of idea what to expect. She was great, she even did our dishes that we didn't have time to get done before we left!
Nothing prepared us for the disgusting mess that awaited us when we walked in the door. The owner was in the back doing lord only knows and as soon as we walked in (probably with looks of horror) she said "you aren't suppose to be home yet!" Now when we left the apartment it was clean. Dirty dishes piled neatly by the sink. Counter and stove wiped and clean. Dining room table cleaned off with only a note for my mom. Not so much when we returned home.
Apparently while we had been gone the fridge leaked three times for the owner. Not a new thing. Another thing that's been leaking forever, and her solution again was to shove a towel under the crisper (nothing like a moldy towel under your produce!). So while the plumber was there he looked at it and fixed it. So after he had done this, she had taken our crisper out along with the bottom shelf. All the contents were on our counter and stove top. EVERYTHING. Our wine rack and wine that was on the fridge, my mixing bowls and little odds and ends that were on the fridge when we left? On the counter! Everything was scattered everywhere. It was horrible mess. There was stuff everywhere. Her answer for everything being everywhere? "I just didn't want to put it back"
For the love of all things good in this world, it took all I had not to strangle her! So in addition to having to unpack all of our camping gear and food, I had to clean up her mess. Then after it's all away Andre asks: "Jenna don't you feel relaxed since we've been camping?" I just had to look at him. Are men clueless all the time?!
The only problem with the new shower is the damage that we are left with to the drywall, and the new storage unit. I now have this wire thing that I'm suppose to store all of our hand towels and toiletries in. Now, in the picture it looks okay, but I'm not the kind of girl that likes open storage. I don't like everyone knowing what I keep in my bathroom. Now to maintain my sanity we will have to make a trip to Ikea to find some sort of storage box that I can use in here. Hopefully we will have enough room for everything otherwise I will have to buy more wire boxes that you can apparently buy at Canadian Tire. Yeah, that's really what I want to be spending my money on right now...
The other problem with the bathroom reno are all the tears to the drywall and my beautiful paint! Now as you can probably gather from my almost weekly vents about the owners of our apartment are that they are not the most prompt at fixing up things around here. Now I'm wondering how long it will take them to patch up these rips so that they can be painted over. Something that will be left up to us, because they left all the painting up to us when we moved in. Not that I minded, because then we were able to pick our own colours, but I really hate the idea of having to repaint a bathroom that didn't need to be repainted in the first place.
Camping at Valens
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The saga continues...
I can't remember whether I have mentioned the bathroom before. Well since we moved in just over 2 years ago the bathroom has leaked. Literally the day we moved in, we walked into the bathroom and there was a huge puddle on the floor. The owners response: "yeah, it's done that since we had it installed. Just put some towels on the floor to collect the water till we have it fixed." They never did have it fixed, but we (yes you're reading correctly we had a friend of mine come in and re-caulk the shower and that seemed to do the trick until about two weeks ago.
So after a few talks with the owners and them hmmming and ahhhing over what the hell they were going to do they have finally decided that they're going to replace the shower while we're away camping this weekend. She came down this morning to measure the shower stall and explain what they're doing (I don't even think they know what they're doing). Thankfully they have a plumber (their granddaughters boyfriend) coming over to do the work for them.
I will have to post some before during and after pictures once it's all done. In the meantime though this will mean that we will not have a shower (lord, give me strength!) and will have to use the owners shower upstairs. I so hate having an audience when I have to shower but we'll have to deal with it until it's all finished.
I hope I don't have too many breakdowns in the process. With all the repairs that have needed to be done in the last little while, and having no control over what's happening I haven't been the easiest person to deal with.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
My Garden
When Andre and I moved into our current apartment just over two years ago my mother bought us three African Violet plants as a housewarming present. Shortly after their arrival we found out that our cat Mikey also had an appreciation for flowers. But his was more of a destructive sort of relationship with them. Now two years later I have one hardy little violet left after all the carnage. I've tried fertilizer and moving it to different locations, but with being in a basement apartment it's hard to find a place where it will have enough light.
I think I may have found the perfect place for it. A little while ago I had a talk with my friend Pam about our love of Lavender, both the scent and the plant. We had both tried growing it from seed, but had only succeeded it growing mold. Definitely not as exciting. So she surprised me one night by giving me a little potted Lavender plant. She had bought one already germinated, and re potted a little bit of the plant for me.
I put it on the window ledge, and soon discovered that Mikey hates it because it smells! Yeah for me (and the lavender plant)! So now I have a well lit home for both my violet and my lavender. This week the lavender finally started to bloom. I was so excited, and just had to share some pictures.
Summer Fun
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Commence finger crossing now!
We don't have unrealistic dreams. We know that in order to stay in the area that we are renting in we won't be able to have the single home. That just won't be possible. We're fine with this and are perfectly willing to own a townhouse. We're currently working with a financial planner at our bank to help make that dream a reality.
A topic of conversation that routinely comes up is my grandmother's inability to maintain her home. She owns a 3 bedroom (converted from a 4 bdrm) townhouse behind my mother's home. She is a pack rat/hoarder and her house is, well, in one word disgusting. I can't stand to spend a significant amount of time there.
Well apparently my mom and grandma were talking on Saturday and my grandmother mentioned that she's thinking that she might have to downsize to an apartment in a year because she can't take care of the house. This is huge because she's finally realizing what we've known for years, and we could possibly be ready to purchase a home by the time she's ready to sell!
I'm not particularly attached to her home, so if something else in the area went up for sale when we were ready to buy that was more suitable (ie. more move-in ready) we would probably take that instead, but the town homes in her area have been selling in just a couple weeks so they don't last on the market very long.
It's fun to daydream about our one day home!
Canada Day 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
"Ceiling Watch 2008" comes to a close
When they had someone into inspect the ceiling they discovered that not only did someone seal up a hole in the pipe with electrical tape, but when the house was built the lines were not installed at the correct angle apparently thus preventing the normal flow of water out of the pipe.
So now we just have to wait for everything to dry out completely after they had to cut open everything today to fix the pipe, and then have the ugly, ugly hole covered. Apparently they (the owners) just want to slap some painted plywood up to save us having to "deal with the mess of drywall". The real reason is that they just don't want to have to pay someone to install drywall. They sure didn't care that mold was growing over our table for months and months.
I hate the idea of having to live with a huge eyesore above our dining room table, but at the same time am happy that this mold problem is just about over. Since they took out the rotting drywall and we sprayed the wood my allergies and asthma has been a lot better already. I think I may spray everything again on the weekend though. I have a botanical spray that kills 99% of mold and mildew spores.
So without further ado here are the pictures of the during and the (hideous) after.
And now here is the hole sans leak. The plumber installed some wood to elevate the pipe and help the natural flow of water. Hopefully there won't be anymore leakage as long as we're renting. The black on the wood is much less scary looking now. It as been sprayed with bleach and a botanical spray to help kill the mold spores.
They don't want to cut out the wood, but I'm a little leary of them sanding the wood and potentially releasing spores into the air. Who knows what will happen now. Hopefully they will fix this hole quicker than the four months it took to fix the leak!