Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oh Valentine's Day...

I have to say that I'm not really a fan. It's an opinion that I carried over from my bitter single days. All those men being all googly, spending crazy amounts of money on flowers and chocolate, when half the time they can't even remember to put the seat down after they pee. It's just stupid.

Leave it to me to marry possibly the most sappy man on the planet. He's the guy that spends the time wandering down the aisle at Hallmark trying to find that "perfect" card. The card that will bring tears to my eyes as I read it. The man who told me that he would've felt empty inside if he didn't spend way too much money on that bouquet of red roses. The man who told me that he had to buy me more than just that Toblerone bar, because what good husband just buys his wife a Toblerone for Valentine's day?

Fast forward to the Monday following Valentine's Day (a holiday for us). I'm rushing around the apartment trying to tidy up, get the dishes done and get dinner thrown in the slow cooker before we have to rush out the door to meet friends for an afternoon movie.

Where is that fabulous, romantic husband while I'm doing all this? Sitting leisurely enjoying his lunch, completely oblivious to the crazy, seething woman that is running around like a crazy person.

I'm starting to think that instead of that Toblerone, I would rather he offer to take out the last load of laundry out of the dryer and fold it without me having to remind him that his boxer shorts did not clean and dry themselves. Instead of the roses, I would rather he wipe the counter and stove down after every meal so I don't have to scrub it.

I think next year I will put these items on my Valentine's list.

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