Friday, February 8, 2008

The Man-Cold Phemomenon

So two days this week I was at home sick with the stomach flu. I'm now almost 100% and back to the grind.

I knew I was in trouble last night when Mr M started to complain that his stomach was upset. Because it couldn't possibly be *just* a stomach ache. He was dying. So to make a long story very short he was sick once and spent half the night lying on the couch moaning and groaning. It didn't matter that I was so sick two days earlier I was almost in convulsions on the bathroom floor I was so ill.

Why is it that when we get sick we have to keep trudging along? I mean no one else was going to wash my dirty laundry when I was sick, I had to do it. No one else was going to wash the pile of dirty dishes, I had to do it. No one else was going to make the bed, I had to do it. Yet when he gets sick he cannot bear to even get up from the bed to get a glass of water.

I think the next time I get sick I don't get just a regular cold....I want a MAN COLD, then I don't have to do anything!

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