Sunday, May 18, 2008

Where did my friend go?

I had a mystery of the disappearing friend on Facebook a couple weeks ago. Now I'm not one of those "friend collectors" who has hundreds and hundreds of friends. I only add people to my list that I really want to catch up with, and see what they've been up to in the ___ amount of years since I've seen them last.

Not to say that I don't have any of the "collector" sort of friends on there. I do have some people on my list that added me ages ago that I was like "WTF? You actually remembered my last name?" but I never remembered them to be creepy, so I added them.

Which brings me to my rant. So in middle school and high school I had two friends that I lost touch with. Both for different reasons, but I would wonder what happened to them every once in awhile. So Facebook was fabulous. I could finally catch up with these friends.

So I did. Exchanged some e-mails, commented on some pictures. Talked about milestones that have happened since we lost touch.

Then I'm logged onto Facebook and notice that one of my "friends" are gone. I try going through the list, but I'm tired, and just leave it. Then later that week I realize I haven't seen any updates on a specific person. I check my list, and she's gone! Now, my issue with this specific person was not only that she had been a friend in real life, but also that she added me in the first place! She had also done this to someone that she went to High School with, who I am now friends and co-workers with.

So I am now publishing this Facebook rule:
-You may not add a friend only to delete them a few months later! You may however freely delete a friend if you were the one to accept the friend.

1 comment:

Kelly O. said...

I hope this wasn't me! :)