Friday, July 2, 2010

I have a confession to make

This is what I saw at 5am yesterday morning. I caved. I had to test before my beta. This test was not actually the first test. My first test was Wednesday morning. Where I got the faintest lines in the history of the world. Here I am at 8am (after analyzing the internet cheapie tests for a full hour) waving the sticks in front of Andre.

Me: Andre do you see two lines?
Andre: Ummm (looking at them closely with squinted eyes) no. Well what colour are they suppose to be?
Me: Pink
Andre: Well, there are two lines, but one of them is really light.

Ah, no romantic surprises in our house.

I tested with the digital at 5am on Thursday morning. I took the picture, then left the test on the counter for Andre to see and then went back to bed to try and get some sleep. At a more respectable 7:30, Andre cheered, and we hugged, and got ready to go to the clinic for my Beta.

We both waited very impatiently all day, Andre at home, and me at work for the results and finally around 3pm between clients Andre called and told me that the nurse had just dropped off a letter and her congratulations off at the house because they couldn't reach us via phone. For now the plan is to continue taking the progesterone suppositories, and go in again Tuesday morning for a repeat beta, where hopefully the numbers will have continued to rise by the appropriate amounts.

So please continue to send your rising number and sticky baby vibes my way if you can!

For those of you that know me IRL, and have me on FB, you know the drill, please don't mention anything!


Kelly O. said...

I'm screaming from the rooftops for you! (quietly that is...)
yay! stay baby stay!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you!! CONGRATS! Keep us posted with the betas.

Katie said...

Congratulations, I'm so so so happy for you and Andre!! I can't wait to be there with you for the next 9 months and when the baby is born! Now tell that baby to get nice and comfy, so we can meet him or her in 9 months!

Washington Woman said...

I totally know the "convince DH that there are two lines" dance. Wish you luck with your pregnancy!