Saturday, September 20, 2008

Where have all the blog posts gone?

In an effort to try and get everything professionally, and on the home front back on track, my blogging as fallen behind. It never fails, every New Years I make a promise to myself (never a resolution, I hate those ;o) that I will keep all my book keeping and paperwork related to my business caught up, and that I will stay organized at home. Then around summer time I realize that I've done a half assed job with both and I freak out.

This year I've been doing a somewhat better job with both, but I was still really behind entering all my income on the computer so my accountant/book keeper came over to my house to get me back on track. She's an angel, and I am now caught up. On the home front I have been feeling very overwhelmed with working later nights at work and having to come home and do more than half of the housework/meal prep. After me having a teary meltdown Andre has finally tried to take on more work around the house. This included a cooking lesson that ended up with a burning skin jalapeno incident. The fun never stops around here.

I have also been struggling for the last few weeks with daily fatigue which I cannot explain. (no I'm not pregnant) I do have an iron deficiency that I have to take supplements for, but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick. The 8+ hours of sleep I'm getting at night isn't helping so I've been trying to get to bed early to ward off the chance of me catching any of the colds that have been circulating around the office. God how I love the fall!

I also realized this week that it's been a month and a half since I've seen Pam, and over two weeks since I've actually talked to her, and by talk to her I mean listen to a message that she carefully left when she knew that I would be at work. I've temporarily given up on talking to her. With all that has been going on lately I just don't have the patience nor the energy to play telephone tag, or talk to her via messages on her answering machine. For a person that is apparently always at home, she never answers her phone.

I have instead decided to put what energy I do have into trying to get together or catch up with friends that I unfortunately put on the back burner when Pam needed me so much during her pregnancy. It has been great to get together and talk to my other friends, and get out there and enjoy their company. I have a friend who is going through the same thing with a friend of hers that had a baby a month before Pam, so we know what the other is going through. It's been a busy time, but rewarding all the same.

Next on the life to do list is decide what Andre and I are going to do for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY next weekend! Unfortunately Andre will be working the day of our actual anniversary (Sunday) but we will have Saturday together. We have a few ideas, but we really haven't set anything in stone. How the time flies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was interested in an update about Pam... but I'm not surprised with the way its going (I've been there too).

I hope you start feeling better with the fatigue.
