Monday, April 14, 2008

Reason #247...

...why I wish we owned our own home instead of renting a basement apartment.

I'm sitting here just after 11pm and our "neighbours" upstairs have company over. Now they're not a younger couple. They're middle aged. They're grandparents, and for some unknown reason they have a neighbour from down the street over. This neighbour is a very loud burly man and I can hear every word of their conversation through two doors and the floor.
I'm dreading going to bed because the bedroom is directly below the living room upstairs. The very room that they're in.

How I wish that Andre and I owned our own home, then I could go to bed and not have to worry about things like this.

On the bright side Andre has a driving test with a local transit company on Thursday. I am praying that everything works out and he gets the job. Not only would it be almost twice what he is making now, there would be benefits, it's something that he wants to do so badly. More than the money and benefits I just want him to have a job that he loves going to each and every day. I think this would be that job for him.

Fingers crossed!

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