The day of our wedding she had included some yarn from a "project" that she was working on for our wedding. The colours were chosen especially to co-ordinate with the picture that hangs above our couch in the living room.
So now back home a week after the trip I curl up under the blanket almost every night while watching TV in the evenings. Even as I write this Blog Mikey has curled up on the blanket for a little afternoon nap.
We've visited L in Kingston before, so Andre chose to visit McBurney Park. We first visited the park a few years ago when L took us on a "Haunted Walk of Kingston". Andre and I enjoy a good ghost story so we really enjoyed the walk. We didn't have a camera the first time we visited the park, so Andre really wanted to snap a few pictures. It was a beautifully warm and sunny day when we visited the park.
We also went shopping in the downtown area and L took us in her favourite little tea shop, and we bought some herbal tea to bring home, along with some other interesting little stores that she's found on her travels. We had a great time while visiting, and the traffic wasn't even bad driving home that Sunday either!