Sunday, March 9, 2008

Winter Blahs and Babies

So we got hammered with yet another snowstorm yesterday. I've lost count the number of storms that we've received this winter. Now I'm Canadian, so I'm used to the cold, and my fair share of snow, but this winter I'm waving the white flag, I surrender!! Of course with the amount of snow that we now have piled on our front lawn you wouldn't be able to see the flag.

Here are some pictures of my darling husband shovelling for the first time just shortly before lunch.

On a completely different note I went baby shopping with my mother today after church for my best friend's baby shower that is coming up. I absolutely love shopping for baby stuff. Everything is so little and so cute (and so expensive!). We found a wonderful sales woman who led us all through Sears helping us track down the items we wanted from the registry. We found cute little onesies with "Party in my crib, 2am" and "I'm new here" on them. They are absolutely adorable.

I would've loved to have gotten some sex-specific clothing but my friend and her husband want to be surprised when the baby is born. Needless to say the baby will be wearing quite a bit of yellow and green for the first six months!

It was fun checking out some of the cribs, and other items, daydreaming with my mom when she gets to shop for a grandchild of her own, and when Andre and I will be expecting a baby of our own one day, God willing.

That's about it for now!

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